1999 eclipses with a taxing 1099--the costly aftermath vis a vis morgan stanley jones standing in the headlights; s/he's stuck in that triangle of a antithetically frigid bikini boutique.. the kind of tourist destination that supplants ecotourism with something too surreal to capture in better language than credit card statements and the kind of bitterness that prevents the threat of premature return.
Eclipse=1099, and other evidence of success, or lack thereof.Note: Eclipse # derived from following correlate poetic equation:
Primary source correlates:
----->Address--->tax form--->year---->
Method for generating your personal answer key=Associative memory exercise for use as chapter in the forthcoming book Psychic Healing For Artists, Radicals, Failures, And Others.
1. Alternating between looking at your material archive (photos, books, old journals, records of accomplishments, your creative and career affects) and inner processing--thinking through ideas and memories. poetic strategy for accessing parts of your past that are otherwise too difficult to think about.. Think about the difference in the way this kind of conspiratorial, mystery-type narrative presents your past to you v. the other kinds of narrative that hold your personal history together.. your story as you have re-told it to yourself over time and how that is formed.
2. Organize collection of file folders--Yours may or may not have anything in them; please handle this collection gently. Please note your choices as you re-organize and regret unintended loss.
3. Share the results of your work with a friend or something; consider the way that this exercise has impacted your level of comfort around communication. Reference material: disclaimer in LURE Communications subset of the Antannae Publications pamphlet and manuscript pre-publishing division..
4. Cancel therapy appointment to practice psychosomatic healing exercises--check local listings for low-income, sliding scale, or program covered by your insurance... Do not mention anything that you shouldn't. Which is to say--don't not mention this series. Make sure to bring a copy of your personally generated library.
5. Schedule podcast and PODS urban discharge unit for 1 year from the last time you did something without realizing that your therapist's advice might have resulted in something better than this if you followed it with more or less procrastination.
6. Try to remember where you put your day planner.
7. See Disclaimer, below.
DISCLAIMER: This exercise is in no way intended for consideration as having anything to do with therapy or professional use of any kind. That said, I do hope to challenge you as a reader to consider the benefits and reasons to seek help from a professional within the mental health medical model--however that looks in your life, or whatever. I wish to find a place within academia where I can work on projects like this--to find institutional support in a place where I will be surrounded by intellectuals that find me to be too stupid to bother with and are sort of casual about their myriad transgressions--pursuing work that crosses every boundary possible without ever even crossing the street. Needless to say, there will be some sort of hooker service & all night delivery for the inevitable stretches of attempted shift to something that might mean something to someone else and/or result in getting everything that you just realized wasn't just belated--but forclosed upon as of now and again.
P.S. Thanks to the roads, rhodes, and rhoades for the roses and their decay.